Actually, a young guy he bought the business from and used to be his partner told me the day before that he was going to be the executor of my exes will. News to me, but not my business. The day he died, and I will always regret I had not visited that day, he was cyanotic and lethargic. This young guy and his attorney were trying to get my ex to sign a will but he was unable. I believe my ex was going to screw my daughter over even more by giving this kid the power.
All day he was like that and all they did was have nasal O2 on him. Then my sister-in-law saw it wasn't even plugged in. They didn't wonder why he was so lethargic and blue? They called me that evening while they were coding him asking me for permission to call it. I had no authority to do that. But, I couldn't find any of our 3 daughters. I sped to the hospital but it's 45 minutes away and the next time they called me I told them to stop. It had been over 30 minutes and I didn't want him to be a vegetable. I sat with his body for 2 hours before I finally found my daughter.
We came close to suing the hospital for negligence but the attorney we spoke to said with all his co morbidities it would be a tough case. We met with the risk management committee and stated our case. One nurse called him the Purple People Eater when he was so cyanotic. Supposedly she was reprimanded. So sorry. I could go on and on with this story there's so much more.