Barry, you are so funny!! One of my problems with him is that he follows me around too much. Example: I went to treat my cat in my utility room last night while he was waiting for me to be ready to go to dinner. I looked up, and there he was in my utility room, too! He had no reason to be there! I asked him if he was following me (jokingly) and he said yes! I told him I didn't like it. Every time we go, he shuts off his car and follows me in. So Unnecessary. I was running into the vet to pick up meds for my cat and said it would just take a minute, but no...he had to come in, too. And he's right there at the counter with me. Scream, scream, scream!!!
That has to stop! I am not concerned about his doting on me as I am about my feelings for him. TBC!!