Because then you get labeled as dementia or Alzheimer's for the rest of your life, even if it's just stress. I know. I was in nursing for over 45 years. You would be surprised at how many people have access to your chart. I do not want that.
Example: I had a heart cath for chest pain 25 years ago. I was 42. It was negative and turned out to be my gall bladder. I had that removed and never had pains again. chart said heart disease even though they usually preface it with R/O (rule out). So, I had heart disease on my chart, but I didn't have it then and do not have it now, 25 years later. That is still on my chart! I was turned down for a minimal life insurance policy five years ago because I was at risk with my heart disease that I didnt have. Any time I had surgery, the anesthesiologist asked about my heart disease. See? It goes on your chart forever. The same thing happened with a R/O TIA 10 years ago. Neurologist ruled it out and said I probably felt my arm a little numb because I slept on it wrong. TIA is still on my chart as if I had one but I didn't. It's always asked about as well. The heart disease one also got me turned away from donating blood. Thus I do not want "dementia" or anything on my chart unless it's for real. I already have two diagnoses on there that are false, and I don't need another one.