Georgina, I am just like that. I dont tolerate anything from guys, and I never did. Even my daughter said I have so much self-worth. But for the love of this guy, I am different. I want him to say he never wants to touch me again. I want him to pull the plug. I want him to say he does not love me at all. I need these words to move n. Because as long as I know, there's a chance, I will pray he straightens out. He has not, or will not, say those things to me. He may have told them to others but not to me. I have asked him to do this, and he won't. I have done as many horrid things to him as he has done to me due to his alcoholism. Peile dont know that. Only he and I know what it is between us. How can I hold something against him that I have also done?