😅Great article! As a 68-year-old with more old-fashioned views on sex, I have not had any since my divorce 7 years ago. I need an emotional attachment to feel good about it, but it's about killing me not to get it. Yet, in 7 years since my divorce, ( the last person I had sex with was my ex eight years ago, and before that, we had been together for 30 years so no sex with anyone besides him in the past 37 years!) I have not met a single guy I would WANT to have sex with, and when I did, he told me he was having sex with someone else every other weekend. Like visitation duty or something! I said goodbye to that fool quickly. Anyway, I have a positive relationship developing, but a big concern I have with guys my age is ED. And how do you ask a guy on the first date if he can get it up? Or "I don't want to date you anymore if you can't perform". That's what I would want to say. These older age challenges are a bitch, so enjoy all the sex you can. As long as it's an ego boost, I totally understand. You will find the one you want exclusive sex with, or maybe you already have :-)