Hi Brian. If you're a nice person, show a decent amount of empathy for your fellow man and don't show your butt crack to the world I'm sure I would like you a lot! I used to stress from the first date wondering if this man would fit at least half my ideals until someone said to me, "Don't date like you're going to get married but see about your compatibility first". It was wise advice. I've made a few blunders for sure. I dated a friend of my brothers and it turned out horrid unfortunately. I had known him since I was 12 but not in a romantic way of course. Now, I refuse to even speak to him and chewed my brother out for believing his friend over me on some trash talk he said about me. To my own brother!! I never dreamed he was such a cad, not to mention he drank at least a 6 pak daily. And he has Hepatitis C. He had terrible hygiene. On and on. I did get a fun New Year's Eve in Pass-a-Grille Beach, Florida out of it that year. My bro lives in Minneapolis so he doesn't see that " friend" very often. Otherwise I never had an "I can't stand you" experience. Plenty of first dates I never communicated with after that one.
Anyway, you are very hard on yourself. Perhaps it's taking admin so long because they have your best interests at heart and they are working hard to keep you!