Hi Melissa. I agree with you. Not only that but I wanted someone to kick the crap out of the little fink that tattled on her. What a joke. A little pocket knife that was not even open. BFD!
But, the school board has a no-tolerance policy so individual teachers must report the "weapon" once it is brought to their attention. They cannot decide themselves if it's a threat or not. They could lose their jobs for not reporting it.
The point I was trying to make was the protocol and rules. They had to be followed. In no way can her incident be compared to the Michigan shooter. That is not what I was trying to do.
Michigan DID NOT follow the protocol according to Dr, Vereen and if they had they would have checked the boy's locker and 4 innocent teens would be alive today and also the wounded kids would not be suffering. Not only that but the parents should have been made to take their son home. And it was not just looking up ammo online, he had drawn a horrible picture " there are sketches of a handgun, a bullet and a person apparently lying in a pool of blood," (New York Post.) Teachers reported all this.
And consider this. Some kid tattles on her. The teacher says he'll hold onto the knife and after school, Ella can come to get it and take it home. Easy peasy! That makes sense.
BUT, once the teacher was informed by a student he had to follow the protocol. He has no choice. I know because my sister is a teacher in that district. The tattler started the ball rolling. The teacher had no idea what kind of knife or any other details. Ella didn't even know the kid was up there squealing on her.
But, say nothing was done. Tattler goes home and tells mommy and daddy that a girl had a knife at school and the school didn't do anything about it. Mommy and daddy jump right on Facebook.
Right on the school's FB site.
What a negligent school!
They put our children in danger!
The girl is probably deranged.
The story gets bigger and bigger and pretty soon she's brandishing a machete around and making threats.
Do you see?
Social media would have crucified the reputation of my sweet granddaughter. I don't like how it was handled but in the end, it was the best turnout.
If my article was not clear I'm sorry about that. I felt I made it factual.
I figured if a 17-year-old girl could take this so seriously as she did, I was missing something. She said the rules are the rules. If they break them for me then they can break them for everybody and that violates the no-tolerance policy. Another girl with a knife might be planning to slit the throat of the kid in the seat in front of her for laughing at her all the time. No one knows or can predict.
Also, I was missing the fear these kids have at school when they feel so vulnerable to an attack.
Sorry this is so long. it's a story in itself!