Hi Shefali.
Your mother had very progressive parents.
I sure wish mine had been like that.
Some will try to say your brother knew he wasn't "wanted" and that's why he acts as he does. It's all BS but that was told to my daughter by family members. They convinced her it was my fault she turned to drugs because I didn't "want" her. Poor girl.
My daughter was eventually smart enough to see no girl with plans and dreams and just out of high school is ready to have a baby. It wasn't HER I didn't want, it was a BABY at all. But those seeds were planted in her mind when she was young and it hurt her.
We talked last month and she told me how she did not want to have my granddaughter and wanted to undo her pregnancy. But, she adored her after she was born, just like I loved my daughter. She then saw how it was for me, but too late, because she was really hooked on drugs by then.
Anyway, just a theory about your brothers behavior.
I'm surprised he's so disrespectful. When did you lose your dad?
People always say that stuff, too. "Oh, when you have the baby you'll forget all about how you didn't want another one."
They aren't raising the child. Shut up!