How frightening. Do you expect this to occur more often at your new home?Ugh.... that knife would be hard to use and what a bloody mess ☹️ maybe get a firearm, Sean. It gives you a feeling of safety. I sleep with my loaded gun and I sleep better. I live alone. It has to be locked up during the day in case grandkids visit. But as you found out, you never know. I have a security system that I don't use but I put those Brinks door sticks on all my outside doors. Those have proven to work very well. My dad gave them to me years ago. Security where I live can open my garage door so I don't put a stick on the door from the foyer to the garage. No one can get in to hurt me but no one can get in to save me either if I put those Brinks sticks on every door. Finally, I have a ferocious 8 pound she devil cat. She attacked my brother last week when he came in my room to chat and I was laying on the bed with her on my chest. She bit him and clawed him and fortunately, a former Army Ranger he diffused the situation by simply holding her down 😂I'm thinking a Rottweiler might be a better guard pet!