I couldn't reunite with him for the 6 years he tried to get me back, but last year he ghosted me, and I found out he had a girlfriend. When he was in jail she told me they were engaged. She had on his wedding ring from me as her engagement ring! So, no. I love him because my heart was with him for so many years and I never loved another man. We had amazing and wonderful times together. In fact, I am crying right now just writing this. But he's a rat fink backstabber and now a felon on parole for three years (DUI #4 in December) with no driver's license for five years. I shouldn't look back, but I do and regret divorcing him for some crazy reason forgetting the hell he put me through. It's so illogical since I wouldn't get back with him for the past 6 years! I've seen 2 therapists and got on meds including Xanax. I am working on taking care of myself and healing, but it's slow going. Plus, I never meet anyone for a partner.
The answer is NO, I know I am way to good for him and he will turn around and hurt me again. He now lives with her because he had nowhere to go when he got out of jail. He ignores me and seems to hate me. But, it was his doing. He double-crossed her, too. She knew nothing about him seeing me either and had no idea he was drinking. He's lost control of his life completely. A year ago I have texts and letters professing his love and adoration for me. It's driving me crazy! I feel so stupid getting tricked by him.