I gave up on the apps. I could write a lot of stories about my experiences. One guy wanted to get married after a month. I asked him if he knew my middle name? Nope. Did he know the name of just one of my 4 kids? Nope. I knew all those things about him. He just wanted a wife. Any wife, I guess. He hated his dead wife and made no secret of it! Big red flag there. Believe me, it was ugly getting out of that one.
I noticed this "problem" the most. I asked and knew so much about the guys and they never asked me about my life. But they wanted to be all serious. That guy had a screw loose! He got so mean I had to block him. Thankful I dodged a bullet.
I have way too many stories like this.
The guy I wrote about was perfect for me. We had so many common interests. We seemed equal financially. Then, Wham! The big confession.
You are younger and it's good for you to pursue a mate. People watch too many of those unrealistic movies and think love is all perfect. We know it's not even close. But, it can be so wonderful to have.
All the best in your search!