I had some chest pain 20 years ago and had a heart cath to R/O heart issues, which was clear and negative. It turned out to be my gallbladder, and once it was out, there were no more problems. It still says heart disease on all my records. Not that it was ruled out. I couldn't even give blood because I had a heart cath. I had to get a letter from the cardiologist saying it was negative. I felt a slight numbness in one arm and went to the ER. R/O TIA. The neurologist said he was 99.9% sure I just slept wrong on my arm the night before. Not a TIA. TIA is on my chart, so it looks like I had one.
Both of these are reasons I'm not going to get a diagnosis of R/O dementia which, even if ruled out, will become plain old dementia on my chart for the rest of my life. Then I get labeled. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy. I won't let that happen. Maybe ten years from now. Maybe.