I have a Smith and Wesson 38 Special. I had a SW 9mm with a safety that I feared would take me too long to get off, fire, etc. Not to mention my poor aim. I am not scared of a break-in, but since I leave my bedroom window open all year long for fresh air and my cat to sit in at night, I feel better with my 38 on the bed next to me. At my condo, my bedroom was upstairs, so leaving the window open was not a problem. Where I live now, my bedroom window comes down to 12" from the floor, and any joker could remove the screen and step right in. I know I can grab my 38, hit the laser, and blow someone's head off quickly. So I feel safer here. I practice every couple of months. My brother-in-law has a hundred guns, and I tried at least six different ones. Like I said, not very successfully until I got the laser.