I hear what you are saying when it comes to your mother. My oldest daughter was born when I was 19 and out of high school. I did not want to have a baby, get married, or be a mother, but my parents wanted a grandchild. They said that. Like I meant nothing. My dreams and life meant nothing. Then, they proceeded to make her into the most spoiled brat. They always told her she didn't have to listen to me. Had I been older and more secure I would have taken her out of the state and raised her somewhere else. I write about her a lot. As far as I know, she lives on the streets. Drug addiction. She's 50. Once my parents had other grandchildren, her world fell apart, and she started to act out. My parents moved on to the other grandkids, but I got all the trouble, hurt, and heartache of raising my daughter, who was sure she was a princess. I'm wondering how your son is today, and I'll check your stories to find out if you've written about him.