I loved him and always wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But one time, he looked me straight in the eye and told me he had no idea where the charges on our credit card came from when they were so obviously his from where he worked. He was charging supplies on our personal credit card for the owner, his "friend," because the owner was in trouble with the IRS. Right to my face, he denies it! And I forgave him! That was 15 years ago, and we didn't divorce until 2016 after many more "lies of omission" happened right and left. When he started drinking and became an alcoholic, I found out he had been addicted to cocaine in his 20s just before I met him. He never told me after 29 years of marriage? He knew all my secrets. At least he doesn't spread them around that I know of. You cared about that guy. Why did he say he kept that from you? We always find out eventually.