I was divorced with 3 daughters and met the man of my dreams. When we were early married he pushed one of my 3 daughters against the wall and terrified all of them. I did not know what to do. We had been married for about 2 months and I loved him. He was sorry but one daughter told my sister and it was hell from then on out. My family hated him and was all over me about it. But, it was one incident, he was sorry, and it would never happen again. But, it made me feel sick. What was I doing? Why did he do that? I married him after meeting him at a Bible study group. I never thought he might hurt my child, (she was not hurt but shocked at such treatment). It hung over our heads for years. We divorced after 29 years and had a son who was 27 at the time. I wish I could understand what happened. I wish I has insisted on family therapy after the pushing incident. But, at the time I was so "in love" I didn't want to believe it could get messed up so quickly after we married.
You could not bounce back from that first issue with your child and your guy. Whether right or wrong, it would have fallen apart eventually. We cannot tolerate our children being mistreated. He needs to go. And the "soulmate" does not feel the same as you do or he would not have left you. There is a better man out there for you.
Sorry for this long comment!