I was living in my mom's house. When I retired in February 2020, I wanted to bring her home. My sister was POA, and I told her covid regulations were killing my mom with loneliness. I was the only one that saw her every other day for over 2 months. My sister didnt want to chance it. She said no. For a few dumb reasons, but if I said high she'd, say low, and if I said white she'd, say black. Gradually my mom just lost her mind from sitting all day in her chair. She had big bedsores on her butt.She lost the cognition to read or follow a TV show. It was horrible for her. She just sat there. All. Day. Finally, I got her in hospice and then home, where I had the priest (against my sister's wishes) give her the sacrament of the sick (Catholic). Then 2 hours later, she died. My sister had left, so I was the only one there with my mom, and she looked right at me. I told her everything she wanted to hear. How good she was to everyone and how she did everything right in life. I watched the life slowly drain out of her. But, I should have had her home when she could walk, talk, and eat.