IDK, Iva. #1 is a nice guy and has a lot of good qualities. I think I should give him a chance. He may back off a bit on the dog once we get to know each other better. He does call and text every day, which is more than any other guy I started to date. The dog is a sweetheart, too. I am more concerned about his outdoorsy camping stuff. That is not for me.
#2 laughs inappropriately, and that is too weird. We were talking about driving late at night and having a flat tire. I told him my daughter's friend had a flat, and a guy stopped to help her. He paid attention to her, so she went for a drink with him, and he killed her. This guy laughed! I asked him why he laughed, and he laughed at my question, too. WTF?
Help me know what to do about the dog. Pay super attention to her, too??