If He Checks His Damn Phone One More Time on a Date, I Will Scream

Is he a narcissist?

Klara Jane Holloway
4 min readJul 25, 2022


A bored pup
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Are you checking your phone while on a date with me????

Think again.

On a date, this guy thinks he’s so important he must have his phone next to him on the bar or table. Just in case a call or text comes in from the President of the United States?

Apparently, I’m not as important as that call or text.

There’s a word for this:

phub·bing: the practice of ignoring one’s companion or companions in order to pay attention to one’s phone or another mobile device.
Definitions from Oxford Languages

At this point, I want to walk out.

I sat there and let Joe Blow, my first-time date from, proceed to answer a text from his daughter, who lived next door to him, asking where he kept the vegetable oil at his house so she could borrow some to make brownies…..THE NEXT DAY!!!

Now, that’s damn IMPORTANT, wouldn’t you say?

He relayed this information to me as if I would understand the emergency nature of the text.



Klara Jane Holloway

I write about my experiences in life. Some mundane, some sad, some funny, and hopefully none boring!