Maybe the men were letting the ladies have their baths first like good gentlemen. Everyone is so relaxed and casual looking. I believe they look like they were traveling and stopped for lunch and to clean up. They appear to be looking at something in the distance as if someone is approaching. The guy with the hat is distracting them as if he does not know. Manet does not say that. I think he was a genius. His ability of putting expressions in the eyes of his subjects is unique. many look in deep thought. The same model in many of his paintings is exciting.
Interesting how Manet and Monet painted at the same time.
You would find something so unique as this, Lucy. You have contributed much to my outlook on art and poetry.
The young man and the music is mesmerizing. He really has his heart and soul in it.
Love the poem and sorry you were hurt. I love you 🥰