Mine is not trying to come back right now. He just got out of jail and is letting his girlfriend be his mommy. He knows I would never do that. But I do not believe they will stay together. The circumstances of all the lies he already told her and her breaking their "engagement" which was a joke anyway ( using his beat-up gold band I put on his finger 38 years ago as an engagement ring), would make her an idiot to marry him. Although she had that worship attitude about him when I spoke to her. But me...I had him for 29 years of marriage and six years post-divorce. She said he told her he'd been trying to get me back for six years. But he still pulled the wool over my eyes with her. My heart aches wanting him, but maybe it wouldn't be that way if he actually wanted to come back. He has nothing, and I date guys with abundant lives and no felonies. However, I have no attraction to any of them. I loved my husband completely. I just know I miss him a lot and feel God wants us together. That's the truth.