My brother is a financial advisor but I don't want him to see my investments and know my money situation. He has a lot of money and might just laugh at me! Or, feel sorry for me and give me some of his. (I wish)
I met with my advisor last summer. We mostly discussed how much risk I want to take and what mix he would put me in. My brother buys and sells every day. That's his profession, although retired. I can say that the money I invested last summer went up $4000 and is now down $5000. That is since July so the original profit was great. They send me emails every week about what they are doing. I could send that to my brother. But, he gets pricky because he knows I don't want him to see my whole portfolio. Since all my investments are with Fidelity, although in different places if I give him the access he can see them all, not just the ones I want him to see. Do you understand that? Fidelity is always willing to have a sit down with me.
I grew up in a family where we did not talk about our money.
Can you recommend a book I could get? Investing for Dummies maybe 😂