My Daughter Was Hanging By One Arm to the Broken Swinging Bridge

Her biggest concern was she had to pee!

Klara Jane Holloway
6 min readMar 21, 2023


Our swinging bridge was not this well-built! Photo by Dex Ochoa on Unsplash

In the early 80s, I was living alone with my three young daughters and working as a nurse in the neuro unit of a hospital.

One evening at work, another nurse took me aside. She said she was concerned about me. I looked very sad lately.

I told her I was getting a divorce, and life seemed very confusing.

She said, “Did you know the answers to everything you need are in the Bible”?

No, I did not. I grew up Catholic, and we had not used the Bible very much.

She encouraged me to attend a Bible fellowship with her at someone’s home where I could learn more. I went and was thrilled to find I loved it.

It was a large worldwide ministry, and they had a children’s group to include my daughters.

Among all the wonderful activities offered, the ministry ran a beautiful family camp in the mountains of Gunnison, Colorado.

I had two part-time jobs and only a little extra money, but I decided I was going to take my girls to that camp.



Klara Jane Holloway

I write about my experiences in life. Some mundane, some sad, some funny, and hopefully none boring!