My parents, growing up in the Depression era, were somewhat mercenary and very proud of the riches they obtained. I think my sister became mercenary too. Her 2 daughters are wonderful girls and both make a lot of money. Both, when getting married, have asked for no gifts. But, of course, they are successful because they make a lot of money. My niece is getting married to a man who retired from the Navy and works for the Navy. My sister insists on telling us he has so much money? I kind of doubt that.
Because he doesn't have a Masters's Degree in something he better make money and we need to know so we like him. That is very distorted thinking. However, that is my sister, not my nieces. They picked up more eloquence and do not seem to judge on peoples income. Such as my son. He refused to go to college. He hates school. But, he has a job in IT for Google. They don't care about your education. They want a person who is savvy with the internet. My son is great. I won't even go into the way he's been treated by my sister. He is lowly because he didn't go to college.
So, people do not change and she will always be this way and so be it. I see much more in my nephew than his living arrangements, too.