Nurses do the same if they are in a salary role. I was on a salary towards the end of my career and I made less than I did part-time hourly! I did that for a year then retired. But my kids were all grown and out of the house. When you have to take time away from your family, that's a bummer. No wonder my sister had her daughters stay in the school where she taught instead of the private school she originally chose. It sure made it convenient for her.
My daughter played volleyball in high school but messed up her shoulder and couldn't play her senior year. So, they asked her to coach the team. It was a smaller private Christian school. She was so thrilled and proud they asked her. About half way through the season she was very unhappy with all the hours she spent coaching and going to games (and staying after practice until parents showed up). Never again she said when they asked her the next year while she was attending a local college.
Can't blame her.