She always took it as a new topic, and she would turn back to her own experiences, etc.
So it bothered you, too. It's like clockwork. I stop talking, give him a few minutes, and here it comes. I do make rather snide remarks. He will say, "I have a story like that too," and I'll say, "I bet you do! Of course". He did it to my niece's husband on the first meeting, which wasn't pleasant. He always uses that test as an excuse, but I told him it's a personality test, not a reason to make excuses. I took it, and there is nothing negative about my personality. It's a very benign test. The free online test is short, but a psych would give you the longer one. He says he's an introvert. I am an extrovert. I have high hopes for this relationship, Pam. We have to figure it out. We've come pretty far :-(