She had her first day pass today and came to help me move some stuff. In the car when I picked her up, she told me she was seeing a guy. Exactly what AA discourages in recovery. Of course, the guy is always sweet, wonderful, and "different" from the losers she's been with before who were all sweet, wonderful, etc. when she met them, too.I told her she was making a mistake....again.
Fell on deaf ears.
Your son is probably depressed, and down and out. Maybe he's testing your love?
You have every right to tell him to sto if you don't want to hear this.
She asked me before she started to unload.
I know you've been through a lot. Very often it's hard to like them.
Someone commented last week, "You hate your daughter. I hope you are getting good therapy."
Only you would know that "hate" is not real hate. It's frustration, sadness, diappointment, and many other emotions.
I ignored her comment. Not even a Medium member.
Do you get to see your grandchildren?