
Thank you Lucy. This is her life. She could die this time. That MRSA takes a toll on the heart valves. She also has COVID and she did go through withdrawal but I don't know what they are giving her. She's a chain smoker so I'm sure that's killing her too. Now that my granddaughter went there she will be the only one allowed to visit and only for 1/2 hour a day. The whole admission. If I can talk to my daughter I'll see if she will give permission for a nurse or doctor to talk to me since I understand the medical stuff. I guess she threw the McDonalds food back up. Probably should not have had it in the first place. Sorry, that's gross. Thanks for the comment. So far you are the only one.



Klara Jane Holloway

I write about my experiences in life. Some mundane, some sad, some funny, and hopefully none boring!