The only thing keeping me together is the thought that I am way too good for him, and whoever he ends up with, she will be miserable because he and I had "the connection of a lifetime." I don't believe he will ever be able to love anyone else, but after seven years of being single and my not remarrying him due to his continuous alcoholic relapses, he pounced on the first woman that paid attention to him. They deserve each other. When I was miserable, I dumped on one daughter at the end of my marriage, and she still throws it in my face. So, get a counselor and stop talking to your daughter. You see this man much differently than they do. It will come back to bite you. Build your self-esteem. That's the only way to forgive. I also believe God has the right man for me, and what unfolds will be for the best. I have abandoned my love life to Him.