This is my ex-husband. Just when we talked of reuniting, and he had been sober for two years, he found a girlfriend and left me. I was heartbroken. Then, he lost his job, relapsed, and got his 4th DUI. He told me he left me to heal. What he needed to heal, I'm not sure. I think he did not believe I would ever remarry him because I had rebuffed all his efforts out of fear he would relapse. He did not find healing with a girlfriend. He went downhill fast. He had already lost our marriage and much respect from our children and grandchildren, then his job. he lost his home and most all possessions, although he didn't have much. He's in jail for quite awhile now. He had not spoken to me for a month before his DUI and did not speak to me the few weeks he was out of jail. I believe he was ashamed or maybe he just didn't care.